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Hello, my name is Wynn. I love everything zakka and patchwork. I'm very happy to share my sewing in this blog. Thank you for stopping by.

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« #handsewpatchwork Sew-A-Long | Main | Baby happy quilt »

July 03, 2014


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Great! I will start my first block inmediatelly, looks so easy to do. I never have participated in a sewalong and im very illusionated!


Wonderful result and thanks for sharing it! J.

vintage grey

Yay! Looking forward to making it!! Thank you for all your hard work in teaching us!! ;) xo Heather

karen woodhull

Made my first block and I love it! Wonderful tutorial.

Sarah @ A little happy place

It's very pretty, thank you for sharing Sarah xo


So lovely, Wynn, and your video is super easy to follow! I think you're smart not to talk through it but rather let the needle do the talking:) Thank you! I'll prep some blocks to sew!


I'm a little late getting started on this, but I'm ready to go now. You're video was perfect and so were your explanations.


I meant your video was perfect - stupid autocorrect features!

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