So here's the bonus block for our #handsewpatchwork sew-a-long! It's called Flower's Dream and it's a really pretty block.
Initially I was quite hesitant to include this block because it looks difficult to sew! I was afraid there will be a lot of unpicking and frustrations. But it turned out otherwise. It is so easy to sew. Very very easy!
There are four square parts to this block and each part is exactly the same. So you just need to repeat sewing the same way four times. That's all! And all are end-to-end sewing. Just curves and no Y-seams!
For fabric selection, I was rather unsure of my choices because the block looked a little messy to me. But when I posted to my IG, everyone was so encouraging. It makes me feel so much better. Now I think this block is pretty awesome.
Download Template 17 Flowers Dream
There are only three paper templates you need to cut out. Use this method here to trace and cut your fabric templates. Definitely saves your effort and time! Then arrange the template pieces to have a clear picture of how to patchwork.
First, choose one of the square parts to start sewing. Sew the petal curves first. Pin from centre outwards. I use a pin to help me find the centre and mark it with a water soluble fabric marker.
You can pin all the way and sew from end-to-end. Otherwise, pin half of the curve and sew. Then unpin and pin the other half before finish sewing. Press seam towards petal.
Next sew the two small squares from end-to-end too. Press seams away from the squares.
**note: I tried pressing the seams towards the squares and it didn't work well after finishing the block.
Now you are ready to join these two together!
Always pin from the centre first using the same method as above. I usually pin the important points first (centre, meeting point, end) before rearranging the rest. This way I can make sure my points meet.
Start sewing from the centre outwards from end-to-end. Always remember to backstitch at the beginning, meeting points and last stitch.
Unpin and pin the other half and sew the same way from end-to-end. Press the seams towards the petal and away from the squares. If you are confident, you can pin and sew all the way from end-to-end.
There you go! One part is ready! Now repeat for the other three square parts.
When the four parts are completed, lay them out and join them. Press the seams in opposite directions. Sew from end-to-end.
Here's how the back should look like. Mine did not look the same but it's still okay. However, I think it's better to follow the book so I'm not posting my picture to avoid confusion!
What a pretty and easy block isn't it? Now are you ready for the last block before we start joining the blocks together? xxx
So pretty!
Posted by: Lucy @ Charm about you | February 09, 2015 at 19:41
You make it look very easy, Wynn!
Posted by: Mette | February 25, 2015 at 04:01